Saturday, November 14, 2009

Lost Wax Castings

Question for Article:

How is knowledge of melting points important to the art of "lost wax casting?"

Answer the article and post your answer.

Don't forget to type your name at the end of your answer.


  1. Knowledge of the melting point is important to the art of "lost wax casting" because if they did not know the melting point they would not know when to turn over the casting so the gold could run into the mold.
    -Julie Calabrese

  2. It is important to know the melting point so that they know when to turn the cast over so the gold can run into the mold.
    -Julie Calabrese

  3. The knowledge of melting points is important to the art of "lost wax casting" because people can then make different objects by using heat without burning an object. It is also important because you don't want to melt an object completly.
    -Shanon Emrich

  4. The knowledge of melting points is important in the art of lost wax casting because if the wax did not melt before the metal or clay, there would be no sculpture

  5. by knowing the different boiling points, people are able to use different substances with different boiling points to shape pieces of art
    tyer johnson

  6. when the wax is at its melting point, it is ready to be made into jewelery, just like the metals that are used.
    -connor pyne

  7. The knowledge of melting point is important to the people who work with metal because they must know what point the wax on the molds melt in order for the wax to melt away, also they must know the temperature that metal like gold melt at so that they can melt the metals
    -Erin Dolan

  8. The knowledge of melting points is needed to people who do Lost Wax Castings because they need to know the specific temperatures so they can scuplt the exact shape that they pictured in their minds.
    -Cam Iadeluca

  9. Knowing about melting points is important for the skill of lost wax casting because if someone didn't know what the melting point of the clay was then the whole formation/sculture inside the wax would be ruined and the outcome would not be accurate.
    Mia Z

  10. This is a test-Mia
